Parents & Carers

We care about your goals and aspirations for your young ones. Our experienced team are here to help make them happen.


Our aims and objectives at the Hennessy Group are to provide a safe, organic, warm and nurturing environment, tailored to the individuals needs of each child/young person and accommodation.

Ensuring excellent delivery of care. Specifically, we at the Hennessy Group are here to help you and your family. Simply get in touch and begin your journey with us today.

A Care Company You Can Trust

You can have full trust when you work with us. We have a Good Ofsted rating and are involved with Investing in Children and are a Chas accredited contractor.

Every young person is important to us. Our Ofsted ratings reflect the effort and care we put into looking after each child.


Our Young People’s
& Children’s Homes

We help young people to develop through our highly individualised and fully person-centred support process.

This enables them to maximise their own potential by empowering them with life skills to enrich their outcomes throughout the whole of their lives, within whichever individual pathway they choose or require.